There are many ideologies in the world, all of which teach how society should be. And among these ideologies, if we exclude the dreams of mentally ill persons about how to destroy society and the world, the absolute stupidest is feminism.

The longer goes the aggression in Ukraine, the more clear to everyone, that the war will continue as long as the Putin regime reigns. Maybe it sounds incredible, but you all are people, who can help defeat Putin and made one of the greatest victories of humanity at the beginning of the 21st century. If you keep listening, you will...

I admit that everyone has heard the assessment that if Jesus Christ returned to earth, people would crucify him again. Yes, that's exactly what's happening on Earth. Right now and at this moment.
I will have to upset those who are waiting for some obvious historical similarities - something like the cross. No, there is no cross....

Uncrowned monarchs almost always make a huge mistake in the 20th century and also in the 21st century. As huge as all those protesters who still believe they live in the republic, even though it haven't been around for a long time. However, this time we are talking about the mistakes of the monarchs.

What can be done for the people of Belarus in a situation where the special services and the police beat and distort them when they take to the streets and demand that Lukashenko, who lost the election, step down and replace the winning Svetlana Tikhanovsky? What if you don't want a violent solution?

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